Public Meetings

Meeting 1 – Airport Master Plan Kickoff Meeting

October 11. 2022

This meeting introduces the public, stakeholders, agencies, and other interested parties to the Master Plan process, project schedule, scope of work, airport funding, and project goals.

CDC Master Plan

Meeting 1 Invite

Airport Master Plan

Intro Meeting Handout

CDC Kickoff


Meeting 2 – Completion of Inventory and Forecast

February 23, 2023

Recheduled for March 16, 2023

This meeting will present a summary of inventory findings and the analysis and determinations of the aviation forecast. An important component of this meeting will be the presentation of the critical aircraft determination.

CDC Master Plan

Meeting 2 Invite

CDC Master Plan

Overview Meeting


CDC Master Plan

Forecast Meeting


CDC Master Plan

Meeting 2


Meeting 3 – Completion of Facility Requirements and Presentation of Development Alternatives

April 10, 2023

This meeting will focus on the FAA design standards and recommendations required to meet the safety requirements of the critical aircraft (facility dimensions, separations, runway length, and other physical requirements). This meeting will also involve a presentation of initial development alternatives to meet any identified deficiencies in FAA design standards, recommendations, and compliance issues. This meeting will allow and invite input and discussion regarding the potential alternatives.

CDC Master Plan

Meeting 3 Invite

CDC Master Plan

Meeting 3 Presentation

Meeting 4 – Presentation of Draft Documents

March 4, 2025

A presentation of the draft documents to the City Council will be made prior to this meeting. The public meeting will present the draft Airport Master Plan and Airport Layout Plan drawings to the community, showing the selected alternative for any needed development. Following the meeting, there will be a 30-day period for public comment. At the conclusion of the public comment period, the documents will be considered substantially complete.

CDC Master Plan

Meeting 4 Invite

Meeting 5 – Presentation of Final Documents

Date TBD

This meeting will be scheduled as an agenda item at a formal Council meeting. The final documents will be presented, and then signed and accepted by the Sponsor.